
Kaetalist are practitioners of Situational Analysis/Awareness (SA). Being aware of what is happening around you and understanding what the information means to you now and in the future, is the basis for SA. When people are required to make critical choices – sometimes at a fast pace – the vast majority of errors that occur are as a direct result of failures in SA.

Situation Analysis/Awareness is a constantly evolving picture of the surrounding environment and your operation within it. We have evolved SA to the extreme, a higher state of consciousness called "ready state" where proper preparation provides perfect performance in real-time.

Perception , Judgement and Wisdom (PJW) comes from practising extreme SA, because making the variables visible earlier, produces better decisions and consistently positive outcomes.

This new extreme SA is so important because , "oh so often", the answers we are looking for, are right in front of us, or happen so quickly that blink and they have passed us by.

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'Turning ideas into tangible commodities'

A time to be in the moment

Proper Preparation Produces Peak Performance

Seize the now

Make it so